Want to upgrade my cartridge from 2m blue to black

My first post here on the forums and I needed an honest opinion. I have a cheap music hall mmf 2.2 turntable with 2m blue installed. I like the sound but was wondering if I can get better details from upgrading to a black cartridge on my basic turntable. Would it be worth it? I’m definitely an analog lover but am budget constrained. Any feedback will be greatly appreciated.

Showing 2 responses by stevecham

Hi Peter! Thanks for reminding us about pulling the plugs off those pins on the 2M series. I totally ruined a Red when I tugged on a plug to remove it and the back of the cartridge pulled out with it, and then  (the horror!) I saw those super fine coil wires with it! Arrrrghhh!

Friends: BE VERY CAREFUL if you decide to de-install a 2M cartridge when pulling the plugs off the pins!!! Do not allow the back of the catridge to pull out as you do so!

Suffice it to say I decided not to replace the Red, but I still have my Black.

And thanks for setting the facts straight about swapability of the styli across the 2M line.