Watt/Puppies with SET or push-pull???

I've heard rumors that WPs are a bad match for SETs due to their impedence curves. Anyone tried this with good results, or bad results? Push-pull any better?

I'm moving from SS to tubes, and eventually new speakers (maybe Silverbacks). In the meantime, I have WPs (93dB sensitivity seems ok). Wondering what I'm up against with the WPs and tubes.

Probably Shindo SET (8 or 10W), but may do Shindo PP (25 or 40W). Thanks!
I tried some Cary Audio 300SE SET amps (15 wpc) on my WP7's. While they had a very good presence on voices and solo instruments like strings or piano, they were dynamically compressed and much weaker in the bass than push-pull tube and solid-state amps I tried. This especially played out when listening to music that has a bass foundation such as jazz and rock. I remember listening to a very dynamic UK pressing of ELP's first album and the output tubes flashing along to the beat of Lucky Man, as I was obviously driving them close to their limit. The whomp factor was definitely subdued using these SET amps. IMO the things that Wilson speakers do best is bass and dynamics, so why drive them with electronics that do not allow them to do what they do best? As another poster describes above, some have gotten good results driving WP's with Lamm SET amps, which are very expensive and great amps, or perhaps one of the more powerful 211 or 845 SET amps might be a good match. Personally, I prefer one of the more powerful push-pull tube amps like Audio Research or Conrad-Johnson, or a powerful solid-state amp. I am driving my WP7's with Essence SS amps at present.
Thanks all for your feedback. Dgarretson-have you used an impedance multiplier with good results? Does it impact the sound? Any model that you would recommend?
I have Zeroimpedance.com naked Autoformers with 8' of crimped-on Anticables-- both manufactured by Paul Speltz and available on 60-day trial. This Autoformer has 2x, 3x, and 4x taps.

I had best results with WPs & Autoformers & mid-powered tube amps like BAT VK75SE and ARC VT130. With these amps there is a big improvement in dynamics & bass control with very little affect in the mid & treble regions. Even 120wpc is really not enough power for WPs without Autoformers. With Autoformers, amps in this range sound like big monoblocks.

With Autoformers & low-powered SETs, the improvements come with the cost of a slight loss of SET "magic" that may or may not be acceptable to you. Still, Autoformers are nice tools to have around when testing & matching amps to difficult loads.
You don't specify which version of the WP you are looking at, but I'm pretty sure from the 5 on they all present a similar load. I have 5.1's and, like Lenny, use the ML 335. I tried a number of tube amps before I settled on the 335. Unless you go with a monster tube amp my experience is you'll do better with solid state. I agree with what was mentioned earlier, a strong suit of the WP is slam, dynamics and speed. The more current your amp will deliver, the better bass control you'll get.

Tubes can sound good with the WP, but in general solid state compliments the strengths of the WP a bit more.