Wave Kinetics NVS Turntable - Stereophile Review

For all owners, there is a good review in this month's stereophile - table reviewed with the Telos arm and with a Kuzma 4Point. Framer gives the nod to his Caliburn but a close call.

Showing 3 responses by fbhifi

As the owner of an NVS I feel compelled to comment on my findings and experience with the turntable. To my ear, direct drive 'tables have always sounded more smooth, powerful and dynamic than belt, rim, idler or other drive mechanisms. Outside of one vintage Technics DD model, which, if you can find one, sell for upwards of $20k when replinthed and rebuilt there are few direct drive TT options available at anywhere near the NVS price point. This is one reason I became interested in this 'table.

Of greater importance is the sonic abilities of the NVS, which when mated with the Durand Talea II and Ortofon A90 far surpassed any other 'table I have heard to date.

Additionally, I have had ZERO mechanical problems of any kind with this unit. My understanding is that the bearing issue was due to the original packaging being inadequate and this packaging- plastic flight case with foam too soft to correctly protect the unit- was subsequently completely rethought and redesigned to a palletized wooden crate system. This new crate system is a marvel to behold and I have heard of no other freight damaged units being reported.

I am completely satisfied with my NVS and feel it provides performance as good or better than ANY turntable at ANY price available today new or used. Considering it is considerably less expensive than the Caliburn it could be viewed as a bargain in the not so sensical world of big boy's toys and bleeding edge analog reproduction .
I own an NVS owner and am delighted with the turntable. It is the best vinyl transducer I have heard to date. The dynamic drive is far superior to any belt or idler wheel drive table in my experience. The bass is deeper, tighter and more linear than I've previously heard. The overall presentation is full, rich, completely and naturally detailed. It's the whole package, rendering the information in the groves in total and complete resolution. It just, simply, sounds right. I say this because I find nothing annoying, nothing I'd like to change or tweak- I'm at ease when I listen. The fact that MF finds it a virtual toss-up against the mega $$ Caliburn is a nice bonus.

My understanding is that the reported bearing damage on the show unit was due to inferior packaging which has been completely rethought and reworked. The current palletized wood crated package is a thing of beauty.
My unit has been completely trouble free and has functioned flawlessly.

In response to Syntax: I find your ranting indictment of so many highly regarded turntables a pointless exercise in opinionated arrogance and, if I'm not mistaken, your Lyra Olympus retailed around $12k- do as I say, not as I do!!
Sorry for, essentially, a double post. I made the 1st one yesterday afternoon and when it wasn't posted by late evening I reposted, thinking the initial post was lost somewhere in cyberspace.

I should add that I've owned several belt, idler and direct drive tables over the years- JA Michel Orbe, Basis Debut V vacuum, Jean Nantais Lenco and EMT 948. The Lenco and EMT were both completely restored, including custom plinths, arm boards and contemporary high end tone arms. At Rocky Mountain I've heard countless other high dollar tables of every drive method and never walked away truly satisfied.

I am now truly satisfied!