Western Electric 300B question

I recently bought a matched set of Western Electric 300B tubes from Doug's tubes, which is an authorized dealer according to the Western Electric website. According WE, tubes with no serial numbers are B stock and has not met the standards.

My tubes did not come with the serial numbers etched on the tube and the dealer told me that he got them from Penta Labs, a tube company that bought a bunch of the WE 300B tubes in bulk quantity. According to my tube dealer, Penta Labs tested the tubes and he did provide me the print out of the test results that tested OK.

My question is: Is there a sonic difference between the tubes with serial numbers VS tubes with no serial numbers?

Showing 1 response by mrjstark

Friend of mine bought WE 211 from Penta labs as well.....I wonder if his tubes were also B stock and like Spareribs, wonder about the quality issues.. $300 a pair seemed like a good deal.........or not likely?
