What about Meadowlark?

Any opinions and what you compared them to RE: Shearwater or Kestrel.

Showing 1 response by naimboy

To add to Sedond's write-up, I also like proacs alot, however feel there is a huge difference between the Kestral and the Shearwater. I personally don't like the Kestral and feel the Shearwater compares VERY well to the Proac 2.5s. It must also be noted that the Shearwater uses the VERY SAME drivers as the 2.5s and costs about half as much. Of course this doesn't mean they sound the same (crossovers, cabinet designs etc.) but they sound very similar at least to me. The Shearwater is a very good speaker indeed and can't even be mentioned in the same breath as the Kestral IMHO. If considering the 2.5s I feel the Shearwater is a must audition piece, (might have $2,000 left over for something else) however if is a question of the Kestral, do yourself a favor and listen to Proac tablette sigs, no contest.