What album have you lately discovered in your collection?

For me it is Pink Floyd's "Wish You Were Here". I've had tbe album for over 40 years and have listened to it over the years. I recently got the Doug Sax remastered CD and its awesome!!! Every song is a masterpiece. My problem is I rush to much through an album without giving it time to sink in. I had a tendency. Over the years just to play the best tracks on an album and then put it back in my collection. I have listened to many many albums all the way through. This album is like a new discovery. I get the music. Tbe brilliance. The creativity that that went into it. DSOTM is also one of my favorites. I have listened to more music over these last 4 months than any 4 months of my life. Still recovering from surgery. Non union in the bone. I have had a chance to take my time and rediscover my collection. So what album have members rediscovered ?