What are your fav “Off Hollywood” films

I thought I'd ask other's here to share their thoughts on flicks they've found to be outstanding, or even their own personal favs… aside from those which Hollywood has promoted to the hilt and everyone already knows about unless they’ve benn living on Saturn.

So if you can think of those ‘non main stream’ efforts, or those films which either didn’t get their due, or only a few likely know about, but are indeed, very good to great film experiences, please share your thoughts here. This would be kind of like an indi list of movies so to speak.

So…. What are your fav non block buster flicks?

Here are some of my favs in no particular order:

1 Lonestar State of Mind
2 Thursday
3 A Bronx Tale
4 Clay Pigeons
5 Palmetto
6 Things To Do In Denver When You’re Dead
7 Prophecy (any of the first 3)
8 Hollow Point
9 Ice harvest
10 Take the Money and Run

If you have to include a mainstreamer or two go ahead. I’m curious to see as esoteric as many of us are with audio, what’s up with our tastes in film, and hopefully broaden some perspectives there.

Have fun, and thanks very much

Showing 5 responses by blkadr

Kiss Kiss Bang Bang - R Downey Jr/ Val Kilmer
Dirty Filthy Love - Brit
Down in the Vally - Edward Norton indy
Pretty Persuasion - It aint Clueless
Repo Man - 80s cult love it
Sexy Beast - he's no Gandhi
Shallow Grave - Brit
Hard Times - Bronson overlooked w/James Coburn, Strother Martin
Freeway - Illegally Blond, Reese kills, so does Kiefer!
Infernal Affairs - Chinise film Scorcese made into "The Departed"
Hobson's Choice - Charles Laughton, John Mills, Brenda de Banzie sweet wonderful forgotten classic
Just a few that pop into my head, I love film, On the Waterfront is on, got to go...
There is an "uncut international" version of Leon the professional. Its 24 min longer and most of the additional is the relationship between Leon and the girl. In both versions they resist injecting any sexual tone to Leon's attitude, but the precocious young Portman does suggest it ever so subtly in her character. Shes remarkable.
For another incredible child performance remember Tatum O'neil in Paper Moon. She and her dad Ryan were both superb, great film.

Just watched William H Macy in a strange, violent movie called Edmund. You think he was a good in Fargo? Not for the squeamish.

Oldman as Dracula?
Anyone remember Gary Oldman in dreads in the movie True Romance? There is also a classic scene between Dennis Hopper and Chris Walken in that flic.

Ever wonder if Eric Roberts or Mickey Rourke could really act? The Pope of Greenwich Village clears that up and you get scantily clad young Daryl Hannah for no extra charge. "artificial insinuation"

Once again I recommend Freeway. Be surprised by Reese Witherspoon playing a less sympathetic trashy character, she is brilliant in this black comedy. The scene when Kiefer Sutherland enters the coutroom is priceless.
Pretty Baby was controversial in its time, dont think they could make it now, even after the peak of the PC movement. We just got to the point where Leno can joke about weed on late night tv.
I cant remember the names of the actors (kids) in To Kill a Mockingbird or The Innocents, and Little Liz Taylor was precious in National Velvet. Great child acting all round in Stand by Me. Our Mother's House features a family of kids who bury their deceased mother in the garden in order to keep the house (brit 1967).

If you like Blue Velvet try Lynch's Wild at Heart. William Duefoe's teeth should get separate billing. I have Inland Empire but have not watched it yet.

Classic Bogart? Few people remember Beat the Devil. Bogart, Robert Morley. Peter Lorre, Jennifer Jones, Gina Lollobrigida. Daily rewrites by Truman Capote turns the novel into a satire with the usual outstanding band of character actors and some big stars supporting Bogart as he does light parody of himself. Audience didnt get it so it flopped. Fun to watch.

Sorry, I realize Im going on and on. I think I should get out more.
A couple new Hollywood releases prompt these suggestions. First, another remarkable film with child actors is the original Swedish "Let the Right One In". The Hollywood remake look like they pumped it up with special effects and such, I have heard its not bad. But I really loved the low budget original.
The second is that runaway train blockbuster that I dont remember the name of. The one I recommend is called appropriately, "Runaway Train". Staring Jon Voit (a cantidate for that weird actor thread) and Eric Roberts, with Rebecca DeMornay. Based on a screenplay by Akira Kurosawa, featuring great performances, by the leads, and the powerful and raw imagery make this real a one of a kind action film.

Someday, when I have time, maybe I will bore everyone going on and on about the Asian films I have fallen for lately.