What could I expect to hear from a Class A amp?

I have been interested for some time about what difference a Class A amplifier would make in comparison to what I am currently using. Right now I have a Classe Model Fifteen, which is the best amp I have ever owned...What could I expect to change if I moved to a Krell KSA-200, or even a KSA-50?
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Showing 1 response by gbart

Bearotti, class AB amps usually operate in class A up to some power level. The exact amount will vary from a few milliwatts to several watts, depending on how generous the designer is with biasing of the output stage.

You mentioned a concern with low level listening. The Classé Model Fifteen, when biased to factory spec should deliver about 5.3 watts in class A into an 8 ohm load. That should be enough to keep you in class A for most listening at low volumes with reasonably efficient speakers.