What current China import sounds like a CJ??

Does anyone have any experience with the inexpensive China imports, integrated or stereo amps that have a CJ type sound. Looking to put together a second system and liked the old CJ11A and CJ14 combo but even at used prices you can buy the Chinese stuff for less money. Any ideas??
I'm with you. I just don't like the way amps made by adults sound. The highs are so much more extended, with a filagree lightness, when children make them. Is it their small hands, their lack of concentration, the fourteen hour days? Who knows, but I know what sounds good, and child labor is the way to go. For a really great experience, I prefer putting my oriental rug in front of my Chinese rig, while wearing my Brazilian loafers; there is a synergy with child-made products that can't be beat.
With child slave labor making all of the junk products coming out of China, what do all the adults do there?
Man, what a load of crap! I could run one of those new hybrid cars across country on the amount of natural gas ( or perhaps it's merely a political stew) supplied in the above replies.

Thanks for the laugh, but you gents need a reality check! While the Chinese are busy working around the clock and refining their products (some of which I've found to offer great bang-for-the-buck) we're here sitting on our hands and griping. It's no wonder they're catching up so fast...
Nrchy, Fatparrot, Czbbcl,

Is ALL Chinese stuff copies of other designs? Or just tube gear? Is there a comprehensive list somewhere that matches up Chinese models with the models of the copied gear?

I'm willing to do my part to protect intellectual property, but avoiding ALL Chinese gear just because some of it is copied seems a little extreme, and penalizes the Chinese manufacturers who are trying to do the right thing.

Take, for example, my Onix XCD-88 CD player; it's the only Chinese piece I own. Is it a copy? I'd love to know that.
