What do you use to polish wood plinth?

I have an early model SOTA Star and the wood finish is dull in one spot. It's Koa wood and I've been using lemon oil and it restore the luster in the wood for awhile. Then a week or so later the plinth looks fine except in that one spot. Is there something I could use that would be better and restore that spot?

Showing 1 response by tom6897

Contact a local woodworker or furniture maker. I think you are looking for a wax instead of an oil. It sounds like you have a spot where the finish has worn off. That is why the spot does not match the rest of the plinth.

You need to find out what the top finish had on it that has worn away. Was it dull or shiny? Clear-coat, varnish?? (maybe a wax or a sealant of some kind, urethane or polyurethane)? JAWAG!