What improvements did you hear in going from entry level to high end Audio?

I heard more detail. Better transparency and detail 

Showing 1 response by pipebro

My system wasn't exactly entry level.  I had an Adcom pre, an Aragon 4004 amp and a Best Buy CD player with Polk SDA-1 speakers.    Then I added a Krell KRC-3 preamp and that made all the difference.  Crosby Stills and Nash, the first album had a song called Gwenivere on it.  Crosby and Nash sing a duet.  At one point they stop singing and I could hear them patting their feet on the floor.  I had never heard that before.  So much more detail.  It was like I was hearing the songs for the first time!  If I'm testing out a new component (among other things) if I can't hear the feet it's a no go.  Hope that helps.