what is a "tape loop"?

I have an Audio Refinement Complete int. amp and i am curious about the uses of 2 "tape loops" it has. What are they used for? Can i use them as a pre-out?

thanks in advance.
thank you james. i was hoping that i can use tape loops for driving a power amp. So from what i get from your explanation i can't do that. Will i do any harm to the Audio Refinement integrated or the power amp even if i give it a try? what are your opinions?

thanks again.
The tape out has no volume control (and in the the circuit it preceeds the pre amp volume control) so if you try to drive your amp from it you will be passing on the full signal from your source. What you can do, but I don't know why you would want to, is to put a passive attenuator between the tape out and the amp to control the volume. If you source has a separate volume control you could do as you suggest.
The tape monitor feature was designed for use with three head recorders. The third head is behind the record head and actually allows you to monitor the signal that you have recorded on the tape a moment after you have recorded it. This lets you to know if you are recording too hot and have distorted peaks, or too low and allowing the noise floor to intrude excessively. Most open reel decks have the third head, but only some casette decks do. Unfortunately, my highly modded Wollensak 8-track deck does not.
Parkcaka, Your idea of trying the tape out signal to drive your other amp should probably not hurt either amp, but it could hurt your speakers because of the high volume. I would only recommend trying this if your source has a volume control, like some CD players and some phono preamps have their own volume controls. If so, I would turn the volume all the way down before trying this hook up. Newbee's suggestion of getting a passive attenuator is a good way to solve the problem. Good luck.