What is the best OTL out there?

Hello. I've always been curious about OTL amplifiers, but never tried one except for the very unusual (and wonderful) Berning Siegfried, which was both SET and OTL. I wonder if there is an agreement as to which OTL currently in production can be considered to be the best. Ciao.

Showing 4 responses by tubegroover

Agree with Jmcgrogan2, really when you think about it what is the BEST of anything? The limits of the experience of the responders will correlate to some of the responses you'll get but what will that tell you? Then there is the system itself, and the room, and the power feeding the system. The Tenor was "proclamated" at one time as the best of the best by guys who were willing to pay the most and declare what is best. What is most important is that the electrical characteristics of the amp/speaker interface is maximized, the higher and more stable the impedance characteristics of the speaker the more suitable. Graff, Fourier, Counterpoint (SA 4), Atma-sphere, Trancendent, Berning, Joule Electra, Tenor, NYAL, and Futterman are all OTL's I've heard in different systems over the years including my own.

Not all of the above were known for their reliability but I won't name names. Each are capable of good to great sound in the proper system and room.
Macrojack are you referring to Berning's recently introduced 60 watt 845 SET ZOTL amp?
This is the ONE I've been waiting for from Berning, a Class A single ended amplifier with zero feedback, no iron and 60 watts of power! Sure would love some feedback from those that have heard this system. Unfortunately the price puts it out of the realm of all but the well heeled. I wonder how long it takes David to complete a pair of these amplifiers?
"The wide open bandwidth of an OTL can also invite unwanted super sonic spurious crap that gets into the picture... if not properly addressed."

It's ultimately an issue I hear as well. The level of transparency offered by an OTL mandates that EVERYTHING be balanced less hearing a bit more than you bargained for, that balance between clinical and musical which might be heard as an initial WOW as the brain starts working to fill in the blanks vs. being relaxed and engaged in the music, not the sound. When they are right, dialed in with the right components and addressing room issues, they can be quite special in their presentation.