What is your routine for break-in of cd player

There is not a lot of information out there about break-in
of components. Some say leave it on for 24 hours while
others say play for an hour then off for 15 min. No info
in Harley's book nor in Smith's get better sound.
My routine for breaking in a cd player is to connect the cd player to the preamp or integrated, put a cd in the player on repeat and let it play for a week or more.
I agree with Foster_9, though I would say that 24-48 hours spinning the Ayre/Cardas burn in cd should be sufficient.

I like to use track 4 of "Irrational, But Efficacious", the System Enhancer Disc from Ayre Acoustics. Use the repeat function on the player and let 'er rip for about a couple of days. Then, I use real music and let the music disc repeat for another day. This works well for most all components, including cables/cords and contact enhancers.
My last couple of CD players arrived just before the start of week long vacations. I put them in the system, put a high energy disk on repeat, and let the system run for 7-10 days unti I returned.

My most recent player was a highly modified Oppo 980 from Rick Shultze at EVS. It sounded like a different player after breaking in for 240 hours in a row.....
