what made you get into high end gear.

im pretty sure most if not all of us here have been music lovers & system owners off & on our entire lives so the love of good music isnt really what im lookin for.

what really got me thinking about this was i was lookin at the virtual systems a while back when i read where another member gave a reason why he got into high end gear & it floored me,i swear what this guy wrote coulda been a page from my life.

i guess what im askin is was there a special moment or a certian peice of gear that caused you to take the leap from store bought systems into the world of high end gear.

i'll wait to post my reasons as i dont want to make the thread take a certian course.


Showing 1 response by robm321

Good post. For me it was when I had some Sony speakers (floorstanders), and I thought the sound was thin and pathetic. I didn't know there was a high end audio world. I did a web search and after fumbling around there was a website (it was some member address) called Big Matt's Home Theater. He gave a description on what was good audio and what was not. He also gave a primer on Bose crap.

The rest is history, including the website. I looked it up a couple of years later, and it was a porn link.