What other obsessions do you have?

It's obvious that many of the people here have gone off the deep end (yes I include myself) with equipment and music purchases.

The question is what other obsessions do you have, or what else are you really into?

I was getting carried away with Martial Arts before an injury sidelined me, I would rather ride my motorcycle than drive, and I spend way too much time on the computer (most of it on AudiogoN). If I had the money I would have a bigger and better collection of wine. Other than that I'm perfectly sane! NO really!!!

Showing 1 response by kurt_tank

Hey Themadmilkman, finally a fellow video game player!
I thought for sure there would be a bunch of us videogamers on this site.

My other interests/obsessions include:

Wine (Seems a common thread, and it goes nicely with listening to music!)

Pretty much any type of gaming, including not only videogames (both console and PC), but board games (Chess, Backgammon, Diplomacy, Wargames, etc..), card games, table tennis, etc.. (My collection of games is second only to my music collection. However, unlike my music collection, I have the largest game collection of anyone I know. That may not be a good thing according to my wife!)