What pre to use with Vons and Bryston 2B-SST?

I own a pair of Von Schweikert VR2's with a Bryston 2B-sst driving them. I am auditioning a PS Audio PCA-2 for the preamp and am happy with what im hearing but would like a little "warmer" sound. I dont want to spend more than $2000 on the pre new or used. Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks
Thanks Drew,

I am actually going to demo a BAT Vk300xSE soon. Im going to try it as a pre with the Bryston to see how it sounds with a tube pre. As well as listen to it as a whole. i agree with you on the uninvolving aspect of what im hearing. I would say my gear sounds good and neutral but it just dosent grab and pull me into the music. I couldnt determine if it was the bryston or if it was the PS Audio PCA-2 pre amp i am using. With the BAT in my system it should definately clear some things up. I will let you know what i find out. thanks
Let your ears decide, the SST Bryston's are pretty good amps. Many folks, just pile on Bryston, without any good reason.

I would take very lightly, advice that any amp other than your Bryston, will solve your problem.

do you have any recommendations? i bought the bryston from my dealer, i like his ear and his recommendations have been very good. I think the problem is the PS Audio pre but i wont know till i put the BAT in and determine what really is the piece that needs to go.i should note that he didnt recommend the PS pre, he is jsut letting me use it. I am embarrased about the room i have my gear in but that will change in a few months. i know that sitting in the nearfield is definetly brightening things up but i have no other choice. any advice is appreciated.
Trying different Pre's is a perfect start. I assume since its nearfield that its a fairly small room. If so, room treatments are critical. IMO, cabling becomes even more important in the nearfield too. Furthermore, I agree with you, I dont think the PS Audio makes a synergistic match with Bryston and VS.

Finally, after trying the new Pre if it is still not involving. Try a few room treatments (towels, blankets, and pillows make for an interesting experiment)and maybe a cable change or two. I liked Harmonic Tech with Bryston (Truthlinks are inexpensive and very available used)Surely by this point you will have found some characteristic that you like and begin to build upon them. In the end it may be the Bryston. But I suggest small steps building up towards what you want. Dont toss the baby out with the bath water.

You could try Power conditioning, or removing it, as an experiments well. Oh yes and definitely tweaking the speaker positioning. Thats very important in small rooms.
i have tried a few things that you had mentioned. my speakers are now more toed in then in the pics. my audio room is doubling as a bedroom so there is no room to play with. i have everything set up as good as it can get. I have a decent selection of interconnects that i have been switching (MIT and Transparent) but im trying to make the "recipe" better with spices when its the ingredients that need changing i.e. amp or pre. As i said before will be moving farely soon so im not going to worry too much about treatments until im in the new place. then i will get my dealer to set up my speakers. and tweak everything with room treatments. i think that will be money well spent. I definetly know my ear and waht i want in terms of sound so its just finding what works. the power in this place is terrible so my upc200hb isnt going anywhere. thanks for the advice and i will let you know what i find out after i try the BAT.