What pre to use with Vons and Bryston 2B-SST?

I own a pair of Von Schweikert VR2's with a Bryston 2B-sst driving them. I am auditioning a PS Audio PCA-2 for the preamp and am happy with what im hearing but would like a little "warmer" sound. I dont want to spend more than $2000 on the pre new or used. Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks
Well i listened to some preamps yesterday, Musical Fidelity, Linn and a Rogue 99. I am certain that i need a tube pre. The solid state pres just lacked the sweetness i love. The more i think about integrated amps the more im torn, with seperates i leave myself room for upgrading. so i think that the Bryston might stay after all but we will see.
Try a Lamm LL2 Deluxe and roll some tubes. Try Mullard, Brimar and Siemens. You'll get the full effect of what a tube preamp can do, and you'll be using a pre that is an absolute chameleon with tube changes.
Well i decided on a stand alone pre amp after all. I went with the BAT Vk-3iX w/ remote and couldnt be happier. The addition of this piece has brought my music to another level. This piece has been the most and i dont use this term loosesely here the most enjoyable addition. Everytime i listen im getting that sh*t eating grin on my face. So thanks to all that posted for your recommendations, thoughts and opinions.