What's the best bookshelf for a Sudgen A21SE?

I am using B&W 685s with this class A SS integrated (30w/ch into 8 ohms)with Verstarr cables, interconnects, power chord and Panamax 5400ex power conditioner. I am looking for something with tighter, lower bass under 40hz and sensitivity above 91db under $2k. Any advice?
have you tried coincident triumph signature Extreme? It's 94db on 8ohm, it's tube friendly but since it's bookshelf, it's lowest bass note is 45Hz. A used is rare so you need to be patient.

If you want 91db and under 40Hz and under $2K, it'll be home theatre speakers like monitor audio models like RS6 and GR20. These speakers are sonically compromised compared to coincident.