What's the best way to soundproof a room on budget

I'm starting to research ways to reduce sound transmission through a wall since I'll be moving in a few months and my new living space will share one wall with another family. What I am thinking is nailing cork board onto the wall and then covering the cork board with inexpensive foam pyramids. I think I could do thewholewall (8-9 feet high? 14 feet wide) for around $500-$600 dollars going this route. Any suggestions for whats worked for you?

Showing 1 response by bennybestin

You can try  soundproof screen. Soundproof screen is suitable for new and existing structures, without the need for floor track. You can immediately customize each room to effectively use the space. With our soundproof dividers and screens, you can re-configure the rooms in the school, conference room, conference center and restaurant as needed.