What's the best way to soundproof a room on budget

I'm starting to research ways to reduce sound transmission through a wall since I'll be moving in a few months and my new living space will share one wall with another family. What I am thinking is nailing cork board onto the wall and then covering the cork board with inexpensive foam pyramids. I think I could do thewholewall (8-9 feet high? 14 feet wide) for around $500-$600 dollars going this route. Any suggestions for whats worked for you?

Showing 1 response by elizabeth

Have you also thought if just playing music QUIETER? I know it is not the answer, you seek... but if they are the owners...I live in an apartment. And I play music rather quietly all the time. I own Magnepan 20.7s. But I only play at about 50dB to 65dB most of the time. Hitting 73 or so now and then. Loud is a learned experience. You get very used to loud, and quiet sound terrible. (at first). But if all you do is play quiet. it begins to sound great. I used to many years ago play loud music. Now I do not disturb my neighbors.Another way is to go headphones. If I want louder, late at night. Headphones are the only way.