What's your favorite lyric from a song?

Just curious what stays with people...

Showing 2 responses by soundgasm

he's the farmers barren fields
the force the army wields
the expession in the faces of the starving children
the power of the man
he's the fuel that drives the clan
he's the motive and conscience of the murderer
he's the preacher on tv
the false sincerity
the form letter that's written by the big computers
he's the nuclear bombs
the kids with no moms
and i'm fearful that he's inside me

American Jesus, Bad Religion
Right at this exact moment, it's

'here's a song about nothing and everything at once'

...from the new Superchunk album. It continues:

the minutes and the months
the feeling noise becomes
the oaks and the sweetgums
on the street where you are from
everything at once.