What speaker for Bryston 14B-SST?

I listen to rock and acousic folk. Does any one have a speaker combintaion that they are happy with the Bryston 14B-SST.
As a VMPS dealer I would hope you wouldn't be happy (well maybe you will) with anything less than the VMPS RM/x (2nd place HIGH END CES 2003)


It would love 900 clean watts to play with!
Ats - As previously stated, with a 14B-SST you could run just about anything. You didn't indicate a budget, but if I were in your position I would probably end up with a pair of Spendor SP-100s (if price was a factor).

I had some friends (who have since moved overseas) who were running a pair of SP-100s with a Bryston 4B-ST, ARC preamp, and a Wadia CDP and the combo was sensational.

Good luck!
Better late than never, right? I recently sold my Bryston 14B-ST in the midst of an upgrade to a pair of Levinson 33H's. My Salons were very pleased with the 14B-ST. The sound was great and it seemed to have unlimited power. For folks like Adidadi who listens to music at, what appears to be, ear bleeding levels, maybe this is not the right amp. But I found it excellent in every respect. Clean, neutral, and powerful. So for most folks, the 14B-ST will be MORE than enough, I'm sure. The ONLY reason that I am upgrading is because the Levinson 33H does everything better than the 14B-ST. But of course, with a much higher price tag. Happy listening.
The speakers I have with my 7BSSTs are PMC IB1s. They must be heard to be believed. Awesome combination. I am "finished" improving my system!
My Von Schweikert VR4 SE's seem to really, really like the Bryston 14B SST, however I haven't tried them with any other amp so I have no comparison to offer.