What speakers would be an upgrade from my klipsch la scallas and my Klipsch Chorus

Im looking to upgrade from my klipsch la scallas and chorus speakers. I’m running them on two emotiva 2 gen 2 amps
i like clean tight sound with clear highs. 
They have to sound good low and loud.
my budget is around 4000 that’s what I will sell my klipsch for plus a little cash.
any help would be great.
Well everybody I tried the definitive technology 9080x speakers for about three weeks and I’m not happy with them I was on the fence until the atmos speakers blew and started popping. They are getting boxed up and sent back. I already hooked up my Klipsch Chorus and LaScala. And rediscovered how good they sound. Lesson learned 🤪
So I carefully Dynamated (as opposed to dynamited, which would be too explosive) my midrange horns in the Heresy IIIs and it’s a nice but subtle improvement, although they were fine before the Dynamat operation and I did both at the same time so I didn’t A/B them. However, as with many tweaks, the fact that I know the horns are damped makes me feel better about them, and that's what matters...me...it's all about me...
Wolf, great..........subtle is good I suppose. I hear dramatic changes each and every time I do it. My ears are very tuned to the differences. With time, I believe, with recently listened to familiar music, you will hear a cleaner presentation. Enjoy ! MrD.
I spent a lot of time recently, post damping, listening to familiar stuff, and it does sound better...although I'm not particularly "tuned to the differences," it is an improvement seemingly to the clarity and mid range tonal coherence, and my skills cutting up rubbery stuff. I wish I'd put the first damped horn back in to A/B it with the non damped horn but I already had them both out of the boxes so...meh...in any case a cheap and interesting useful tweak. By the way, the 2 12" squares of Dynamat is pretty much exactly enough for both mid horns in a Heresy III.