What tube amp mates well with Sonus Faber Amati's?

I have recently purchased a pair of Sonus Faber Amati's and have not yet decided on an amp. One of the amps I have considered are the Cary 805c's however i was told the bass may be a bit defficient. The speakers are 92db efficient and are rated nominally at 4 ohms. The lowest dip is to 2.9 ohms. I would appreciate any thoughts on the Cary/Sonus Faber combination or any other amplification suggestions regarding this speaker. Thank you

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I have the same speakers, I have been shopping for amps as well. After speaking with several manufactures, this is what I learned:

Cary 805 - lovely sound and capable of playing decent volume, but won't do rock-n-roll. Sonus Faber has used 805 in many of their show demos, so they must like the 805 combination a lot. Bass will be soft, more than typical tube amps with push-pull design.

Jadis JA50 - the best sounding Jadis for the Amati according to the importer. Power corrupts, so the larger Jadis will not be as good as JA50 when you consider transparency and purity.

CAT JL2 - too new to know any history, but JL1 came highly recommended with Amati. Should be PP taken to the highest level.

I also know SF Power series, CJ, and ARC are all good with Amati with SF being the best among the three. SF has more drive capability and more neutral, lower distortion will also pay back on Amati.