What would you do?

So, I sold my phono stage (Cary PH302) and the ICs I was using to upgrade to another unit. In the meantime, I used that money for another blood sucking hobby. It might be a few months before I can fund my discretionary spending budget to the appropriate level. In the meantime I am w/o music (no CD player, etc.)

Curious to know what most of you would do:

1. Buy something cheap (and cheap sounding? $250?) to tie you over

2. Go w/o until the real deal arrives

BTW, anyone in the Chicago-Detroit cooridor want to loan/rent me a phonostage & ICs for a few months?


Showing 3 responses by tvad

Honestly, how can anyone answer that question for you other to recommend going with what's in your heart and gut?
You're only estimating a few months until you can re-build your audiophile audio system. I suppose I'd take the audiophile-free hiatus and re-discover other facets of life.
Anywho... so, the worst part is, it's so flippin cold and cloudy I can't even get out and take pictures.

Pawlowski6132 (System | Threads | Answers)

Those conditions often present the most interesting opportunities for photos...especially black and white.