whats the biggest mistake you made?

ever sell a peice of gear then realize you made one big mistake or find a better way to run it after its allready gone?

for me it was the mcintosh mc2102 tube amp that wasnt cuttin the mustard or so i thought,since then ive tried many amps & none have gave me the same feeling as that amp.

most of the changes ive made over the years have been good or atleast i could live with them but that one change really taught me alot,im taking things alot slower nowdays & taking the time to hear the different gear i bring in before rushing to decisions.



Showing 3 responses by jax2

Sold my vintage 98' Shakti magic pebbles for a song! I've tried a dozen different bottles of'em since letting that one special bottle go, but they just haven't had the synergy the 98' vintage did. I'd give my left testacle to get those pebbles back!

Islander - You live near me I think (Seattle), so you can come and check out
my testacle in person. It's pickled in vinegar and we keep it in the pantry
after our dog, Diesel, knocked the Ball jar off the shelf in the bedroom it had
been on, and almost got the damn thing after he ate through most of the
brine I'd been storing it in.

I dunno though, I've been looking for the same 98's I sold as they're the ones
with the synergy with my system. I can't tell you how many bottles I've
already tried. I hired a detective to find my stones in 02' and the trail ended
at a fish tank in an Ohio Thai joint just off the Interstate. The gumshoe tells
me he has it on good authority that they're holding up a plastic sunken
treasure chest (ironic, ain't it), but that they'd be hard to pick out from the
rest of the acquarium gravel. I told him, just get me the tank, I'll know my
stones when I see'em. He put in an offer on my behalf for the tank, but the
place was sold to new owners and now it's a Pizza joint an the fish tank's
gone without a trace.

Islandear - a quick check of my feedback should dissapate any concerns over any farm-animal testicle substitute scams. Mine's the real deal. It was kept in the more desirable salt-brine till only recently when the "Diesel incident" occured and we went to vinegar in the pantry for safety's sake. Rest assured also it is a solid 9/10 as I cannot find a mark on it. Removed only because I went to Jockey's and needed the extra room. Look, I'm interested in both your 98' bottles since they are the very desirable short runs. I'd give you my groin-pearl for the OGG's. For the Black Basalts I've got a pinky finger with a large gold ring suspended in beef talow (no, it's not my own, I got it from one of my Italian relatives in NYC).....Or, a genuine Pope John Paul II turd collected during his 95' visit to the States and cast in a beautiful acrylic suspension complete with brass plaque and a certificate of authenticity. If you want the latter you'll have to add something else to the deal. Got any of those magic tuning dots perhaps?

Hooper - if you go off the meds again get yourself one of those inflateable clown figures that you punch and they come right back up for more. Much cheaper than a Krell and makes for less of a mess to clean up. Your landlord may still look at you funny though.
