whats the biggest mistake you made?

ever sell a peice of gear then realize you made one big mistake or find a better way to run it after its allready gone?

for me it was the mcintosh mc2102 tube amp that wasnt cuttin the mustard or so i thought,since then ive tried many amps & none have gave me the same feeling as that amp.

most of the changes ive made over the years have been good or atleast i could live with them but that one change really taught me alot,im taking things alot slower nowdays & taking the time to hear the different gear i bring in before rushing to decisions.



Showing 2 responses by mimberman

I think this one might take the cake:

Last year I turned down a set of KRELL FPB-250M monoblocks and Krell KPS-25sc CD/Pre which I would have gotten for NOTHING. Yup, Nada, Zilch, Zero.

A very generous family member was getting a mid-life crisis system and getting rid of their previous mid-life crisis system (who knew you could have two) and my reasoning for refusing the gift at the time was that firstly, if you sold the combo at the time you would get more then if I sold it (I wasn't going to be able to use it for a year); secondly, to be honest I didn't love the sound of the krells, and the size of all the gear was pretty prohibitive considering my stand/apt; and thirdly, I thought the generous family member should recover some of the money they had spent (especially considering the cost of their new system) and I felt a little guilty owning such a nice system w/out doing anything to earn it.

The minute I heard the gear sold it was like getting the worst hangover ever!

Can someone tell me what the F I was thinking?