whats your idea of loud music.

ok here' what got me thinking about all of this.

i was in a dealers show room a while back checking out his ar monoblocks(sweet)& he put some smooth jazz on for me,the maggies sounded fantastic & i asked him to turn it up to a loud volume so i could see how the maggies responded.

after he gave me a stupid look he turned it up a notch & then stepped away & covered his ears like they might rupture or something & were talking about the volume being at the point where i could of heard him fart from 5 feet away,i asked him why he wouldnt turn it up loud & he told me that he wasnt sure what i thought loud was but the volume he had was more than enough for anybody.

i also see threads where guys reccomend these low power amps that i have owned with speakers i have owned & they say that the amp speaker combination can obtain listening levels that are not only louder than anybody would care to listen but unsafe levels to boot & when i had the same gear i thought the combination was way under powered & no where near being loud.

i consider loud to be when you can feel as well as hear the music & not from sitting right in front of the rig,i also consider loud to be when things on the walls move & my coffee cup has a little ripple on top of the coffee or when the dog runs for cover,i also consider it to be not loud if somebody in the same room can talk to you from 5 feet away & be heard.

im not looking for a right or wrong answer im just curious as to what other guys consider loud to be defined as.


Showing 3 responses by bigjoe

PEHARE, you might be right about loud pipes causing some hearing loss especially since my helmet dont cover my ears,in my youth i used to ride bikes with open headers that would rattle my teeth but since ive gotten older i prefer to run a baffel to quiet it down a bit,ear plugs are out of the question for me,drivers scare me too much.

there's about 30 of us who ride together & we generally make the younger guys with the louder bikes ride in the back on the right & every once in a while i drop back just to see how loud it is,jesus! these kids on the jesse james type hard tails will be completely deaf by the time their 30.

i have an old hard tail shovel head with open headers in storage that i plan to give to my oldest son when he's ready & every so often i'll fire it up & go for a spin,i cant believe i rode that thing for so many years with it being so loud,one of these days im gonna get around to measuring the sound level from my bikes just to see.

i dont listen to super loud music very often unless im half in the bag usually i listen at lower volumes but every so often i like to blast it out real good ,i was just curious as to what every body else considered to be loud.

god do i feel bad for the guy who put his whole head inside the horn at a pink floyd show,what was he thinking,i laughed my ass off when i read that & i can visualize his hair blowin back too.


have you ever had a bike go by you that was so damm loud you couldnt hear yourself talk on the cell phone,if so then that guys pipes did what they were designed to do & thats to wake you up.

people driving cars or suv's dont see motorcycle's (why you ask) because their TOO BUSY on their cell phone or TOO BUSY watching a movie or TOO BUSY putting on their make up or TOO BUSY eating or TOO BUSY reading the paper or TOO BUSY blabbing to the person in the passenger seat or TOO BUSY scolding their children or TOO BUSY flippin the radio station & on & on & on,BUSY BUSY BUSY multi tasking while driving,but wait let me guess...........not you right?

ive been riding loud harleys since i was 16 years old (long before they became a cool investment) & i can attest to the fact that people only care about bikers AFTER they blindly run them down (but officer he just came out of nowhere) ive heard that speech while i lay waiting on an ambulance have you ?

i personally take offense to your ignorant & uninformed statement that we are show off's on our dork cycle's,do i want everybody on the road to look at me,yes i do & not becuase i want them to see how cool i am or how tough i look all tattooed up but because i know until they look at me im casper the ghost.

there's an old biker saying that will sum up all your questions about why we have loud pipes "if you have to ask i cant explain"

mike,the show off on the dork cycle.
Nsgarth , from my experience anybody riding a bike home from a bar let alone at 2 am is a moron & will very soon be wraped around a tree & i do not feel sorry when that happens,only the biggest of fool's ride's a bike drunk,if that was happening down my street i would throw nail's in the street & flaten their stupid lookin micky thompson rear tire's.

Tab11os, not only do i ride a loud bike & listen to loud music but i work on very loud construction site's & i alway's thought i may have some type of hearing loss until last year when i had to take a hearing test to be a certified crane operator within the auto manufacturing plant's here in michigan,to my suprise my hearing is perfect,go figure,i hope it stay's that way too.
