Where can I get educated about cables?

I'm still relatively new to this "hobby" compared to most of you it seems, and I'm trying to learn as much as I can. I've finally gotten to the point where I am considering purchasing cables, both for IC's and speakers, but I don't know where to begin.

Here's the deal- I read alot of reviews, talk to dealers, and read threads both here and on AA, and while everyone genuinely seems to want to help, I hear alot of talk about "impedance" and "capacitance", "six-nines', etc, when they talk about various cables. Now, I'm not an electrical engineer (I'm a commercial HVAC tech by trade), but I do know a little basic electronics, and am comfortable with a wiring diagram, so I am familiar with these terms.

Ultimately, I'd like to understand how to choose a cable, and why. I'd like to know how a cables characteristics will affect the sound with my equipment, and I'd like to know what cabling changes to make if I change a different part of my system somewhere down the road. Please don't misunderstand me- I do not believe I will find the perfect combination by simply using a magic formula of some sort. I'm just looking for information on the basics to get me headed in the right direction so I can make an informed decision, and hopefully save myself some grief (and cash) along the way.

Against my better judgement, but as an example, I'll tell you that I have a Sonic Frontiers Line1, a Bryston 4BST, and PSB Gold i's. I borrowed some different IC's from a local dealer, and heard the differences between them. BUT WHY? I wanna know why! Why did cable "XYZ" sound different than cable "ABC"? And what if I changed preamps? Then what? Or my amp? This could get really expensive trying cable after cable after cable, without knowing what to look for or having a frame of reference to start with.

Please, if anyone knows a source of info, a book, a site, or an actual person who can help me, let me know. It would be greatly appreciated.

Lastly, if you have experience with my particular COMPLETE setup, not just the individual pieces, your input would probably benefit me here as well.

Thanks for your time.


Showing 2 responses by subcoolman

To everyone who has replied so far- Thank You (!) for your input! I really do appreciate it.

In reply to some issues- I'm not in a hurry. I understand it will take some time to find what I am looking for, but I'd rather get headed in the right direction from the start than head off blindly into the abyss. I already have two other expensive hobbies (a wife and a boat), and I really am not certain I can afford to just plunk my cash down and hope for the best.

Why do I think wires matter? To be honest, until recently I didn't. My old equipment wasn't revealing enough, and I always poo-pooed the audio press for their claims. Then I upgraded to what I have now, and my dealer talked me into a couple loaners. 'Nuff said.

Which leads me to this- Why do "they" print reviews with specs like "output impedance", and then expect me to understand why this matters? My God, in some reviews, "they" even tell you not to use this XYZ model with a certain type of (enter item here). Makes me wonder if my stuff will blow-up if I hook up to it. I'm serious here, people! How do I know whether my equipment, past, present, or future, will produce acceptable results with a given manufacturuers cables?

Somewhere I gotta believe is a list, written or not, which would state basic audio-electronic "truths", kinda like a "rule of thumb" list for beginners. Please note "truths" is in parenthesis- I understand that this is also a relative subject. Think about it this way- there are laws of physics that state that a given frequency will resonate in such and such a way in such and such and environment (think room treatments here, which I am addressing, by the way). I gotta believe there's info somewhere that will help me at least get a good start on selecting cables.

As for the sources noted in some replies, I apologize for not checking them out yet. I may have re-stated questions for which these sources may well be able to answer, but I wanted to post this first.

Thanks again, and my apologies for the length.
I appreciate all of the input everyone has given me, including the emails sent outside this forum- Thanks! I've been doing some checking, learning, reading, and finally, listening! I found a local dealer who will let me audition his broke-in display cables right off his floor systems, two sets at a time, and I've begun "the search". I've also checked many of the above mentioned sites and sources and all I can say is there is more info out there than I thought! I just didn't know where to look.

Thanks again everyone!
