Where has the respect gone?

I have a middle of the road audio system. I built my own speakers with a Seas Odim kit, a Rogue 99 mag., a Esoteric DV-50, built my own 200 watt power amp, BPT 3.5 Signature Plus, upgraded Sansui TU-717, Revelation Audio Labs Testament speaker wire, HMS rca's and power cords and Virtual Dynamics Testament power cord and Soundstrings rca's too! I have many other pieces I am working on and trying to sell but I have started to notice a trend in some Audiogon members. It is kinda getting like other internet selling places, where there is no respect for each other. I am like everyone else and that I want the best deal but I try to be respectful to the seller or buyer. I have probably not been that to all and for that I am sorry and I ask your forgiveness. It seems like lately things are starting to change and I do not believe it is necessary to change. I have not been a member from the first but it makes no difference if I was the first member or the last member, just sign in we need to have respect for each other. I hate to see Audiogon turn into what some of the others are in lying and cheating for a dollar or just being rude. Let us all remember to respect the other person and let this stay a fun job, hobby or whatever it my be to you! Remember it starts with us all!

Showing 2 responses by sbank

Ignoring is fine if it's an isolated incident. However, the guy I fine to very rude on a very regular basis hits every thread I'm interested in(hint: analog), and leaves his footprints, fingerprints and buttprints on all of them. The sad part is that he is obviously knowledgeable, but has no social interaction skills whatsoever. Ignoring him just doesn't work. We've tried...Cheers,
For the most part, I agree that the majority of folks who post and trade here are reasonable, and on the "up and up". A few bad apples do spoil the whole bunch, so we can't stand for it. Shower them w/kindness, call them on it when they abuse the 'Gon, and as a last resort push the management to remove them when nothing else works.
If we hold ourselves to treat each other as friends, everything will solve itself.
We just need to all reminder each other that it's okay and healthy to disagree on issues, but we can do that without personal attacks. Cheers,