Where to find uni din protractor

Hi all, anyone has any idea where to purchse Uni Din
protractors for not too much coin?

Showing 9 responses by nandric

Hi dear John, What a pleasure to read the lecture of a real
professional. I have no idea about possible deviation of the
different spindle thickness by different turntables. Yip
consider them as important for the precision of his Mint
tractor. But he sells them so 'some objective' info looks
also important. Will you be so kind to explain the issue?

Tawa, Google for 'Arche headshell' or 'Archon MC cartridge'
to find all Dertonarms inventions.
Tawa, The Mint tractor is made for an specific toneram/ turntable cambo. The Uni Din or other so called 'universal tractors' are average tractors for all purposes. But the difference between spindle dimensions by different turnatables can be considerable. Your hope to find the Uni Din second hand for $100 make no sense to me because for the same money you can get a more pricise tractor for your specific tonearm/turntable combo.
Tawa, Write to Yip by 'mint LP @hotmail. com'. You should mention the tonearm , the TT as well the(axact) dimension of the spindle on your TT. The price is about $100.
In-shore, Well to me J. Carr is the nicest person in our
forum but this quality of his character would not be a
sufficient reason for me to buy his carts. It is rather the
other way round. The quality of his carts will be the real
reason to buy them. Because of Lew I am reluctant to mention
Newton who was very nasty as person. He even accused Leibniz
to have stolen his infinitesimal calculus. I don't believe
that mathematicians and phisicist refused his calculus
because of his character.
The mentioned Dertonarm's products are sold by a dealer
and not by him personaly. If whomever thinks that his Arche
or Protractor is the best there is one is entitled to buy
them for the simple reason that we all are free to spend our
money as we like. I would never dream to ask In-shore what
I should or not buy.
In-shore, 'Who cares' is ether universal or existential
quantifier. If there is just one person who cares than
the statement 'someone cares for Nandric opinion' is true.
You should write instead ''I don't care'' because otherwise
you need to prove that nobody cares. Such is the logic of
Hi all, We may think that this is our forum .But I noticed that the so called 'moderators' not only can decide which contribution to allow and which to refuse but also which
alredy published contribution can be removed afterward.
Censorchip and arbitrariness go ususally hand in hand but the question is why should we accept this? In-shore contribution about'Who cares' is removed as well my post
'I rest my case'. My post about the difference between the 'human character' an 'human capabilities' is refused because, according to the moderators,this post is more
suitable for a private discussion(sic!) The moderators obviously pretend to know better than the members which contributions are right and which wrong. Among those who are censored for longer as two years the most are academic so the pretention to 'know better' is at least questionable. Since the new owners of Audigon started the situation is continuously worsened such that from the best forum in the world we become an mediocre club. My suggestion is to start an collective action and formulate our own rules to which Agon need to confirm. We are the forum not the owners of the site. They earn their living thanks to us not the other way round. I think that collective thraet to terminate the membership will do the job.
Unoear, You are as those Moslems who keep repeating the same
slogan 'Alah akbar'. You repeat the same story whenever
Dertonarm's name is mentioned irrespective of the context
or the issue involved. I advised each time to try the debt
collection agency as the adequate means for your problem
assuming of course that you have a legal claim. We are the
wrong place for your claim. It is as if you want to buy
bread in a hardware shop.
Tawa, I am stunned by your reaction even more so with your
inscrutable logic. You started this thread with the question
where you can buy Uni din protractor.
My advice was to buy the Mint protractor. I own 3 of those
for each tonearm that I use. I got those before Uni Din
protracor existed. I don't own Uni Din protractor and could
consequently not recommend one. But I explained why
the Mint tractor and even requested John to explain the
differences between the spindle dimensions .I am glad that
I deed because his contribution was, as usual, very informative.
Who would then expect that you would join the choir of In-
shore and Unoear lamentation about Dertonarm? Both of them
had nothing to say about any tractor whatever but joined
your thread only with the intention to incriminate Dertonarm.
Their own 'level'can be seen from their 'contribution' to
your thread. In-shore with his 'there is a canal out front
of your building' (01-14)illustrate in what kind of company
you prefer to belong.
I made not one single statement about any of Dertonarm's
products nor deed I advesed anyone to buy any.
But I need to say to be proud to be his friend. He is the
most eloquent person that I have ever meet while his designs
speak for them self. One of the best turntables ever, the
amps (one of which Unoer bought)and recently the most
innovative headshell the Arcehe,the best tractor ever ,one
of the best tonearms and one of the best MC carts. I own the
Arche and the Archon. Those are his merits and those are
the 'things' in which we are interested in this forum.
What the merits are of In-shore and Unoer you should enumerate.