Where to next? From LP12 to what 3-4000 TT?

I am seriously thinking of selling or trading my LP12. It is a great sounding table, but really don't want to invest the time and effort in setting it up whenever it needs to be tweeked. I want a TT that sounds as good or close and really am hoping to get in for less thatn 4000 including arm. As mentioned this has been a great sounding table, but I really don't like the fact that I have to take it to a dealer for setup. I had a P25 before and it was so simplistic that I miss those days. Thinking Clear Audio, VPI, Thorens, or Rega P9. But looking for suggestions.
I went from an LP12 Lingo to a Scheu Premier Mark II with 80mm platter. The Scheu (pronounced "shoy") is very easy to work with. There's a review coming in the next issue of UHF Magazine, due out in a week or so.
I own the Scheu Premier with the 50mm platter and it is a very good table. Degree of set-up difficulty is left up to the arm and cartridge you buy.

In your budget you should also check out the Galibier Serac with Artisan tonearm. Just under 4k or just over 4k if you get the table/arm/cartridge package.

FWIW - even though I own the Scheu I've gotten great results recently with a B&O Beogram 4500 linear tracking turntable, whose performance approaches the Scheu. It doesn't get much simpler IMO. You may want to investigate a table with linear tracking arm as an option as well.
new, a thorens 160 HD..with the rega arm, is locked and loaded for less than 3k...used, an oracle delphi, and once again get change back.
Bluenote Bellavista (canadianguy/Audio Eden)$1200 and an OL arm.Great combo and should meet your $3K mark.
Thanks I was always under the impression that linear arms are difficult to maintain tracking on? I think they make the most sense since albums are cut that way.
I am not sure if all linear tracking tables are created equal. On mine though all I have to do is set the VTF. No worries about alignment, anti-skating, or VTA. Tracking is more accurate from what I've been told than non-linear tracking set-ups.
There are a couple of Sota Sapphire tables use on agon. Grab one. Perhaps with the vacuum pump, and put a good arm on it. I have a customer with a Wilson benesch carbon fiber arm. You can send those to the people at Sota and they will drill the arm board and even upgrade what ever needs upgrading. I had a Sapphire with an SME V. Wish I had it back. Really gets a grip on the Cartridge.