which budget integrated amp Rotel, NAD or other

I am shoppin for a integrated amp with phono to serve temporarily in my system. It will drive Usher X718. I am considering the Rotel RA 1072 (60 watts) or NAD with similar power. The intergrated must have a phono stage. What are your thoughts? Thanks

Showing 1 response by jkstraw

I have an older arcam A65+ that includes a nice phone stage, and have really enjoyed it with a pair of Focal/JM Labs. It even has enough current to push a pair of magnepans 1.6's while only rated at a 40wpc amp! That tells you a lot about numbers on paper and real world. I put it up against a Rega, which I also think highly of, and they sounded equally nice though the arcam I thought gave the maggies the soundstage presence they are able to reproduce. Im actually using it right now in lieu of a parasound JC2 pre that I have and am selling brand new due to finances. If you can find a dealer with some older arcam components give them a listen. Since arcam has been changing their line-up quite a bit you can find them very cheaply - and they were made very solid (I got mine unopened for $300 from a rep who had a backlog) but those went fast.