Which SS amp does sound the most warm of all?

I'm looking for a warm sounding SS amp. The one with the most tubie sound of all.

Now my choise endend by three SS amps,

or the:

Pass Labs Aleph 1.2
Jeff Rowland 8T
Mcintosh MC 1000

These amp are only to drive the high/mids of my speakers system. I love the 3D effect, holografic sound,sound stage, the placement and the finest detail.

Any other advice is welkome. Please help me out.

Thank for the feedback

I don't think "dark" and "warm" are necessarily the same thing. I like some warm sounding components, but have really hated some dark sounding ones.


Warm = full, rich, big

Dark = syrupy, less aliveness, recessed, distant

You might try McIntosh, Sunfire, Blue Circle, Mark Levinson, Jeff Rowland Design, Conrad-Johnson, Clayton, and Meridian.

My short list includes: Mark Levinson 432, Conrad-Johnson Premier 350, McIntosh MC402, and Sunfire Signature Stereo Amplifier II.

Then you might want to use Cardas Golden Cross cabling to further warm up the sound.
Good call Artar1. I've got Ayre's V-5x and it's smooth and warm .
Great sound. My dealer is suggesting I buy the new ayre phono stage , but it's a coupla g's and I'd rather spend that on a new tt.