Which SS amp does sound the most warm of all?

I'm looking for a warm sounding SS amp. The one with the most tubie sound of all.

Now my choise endend by three SS amps,

or the:

Pass Labs Aleph 1.2
Jeff Rowland 8T
Mcintosh MC 1000

These amp are only to drive the high/mids of my speakers system. I love the 3D effect, holografic sound,sound stage, the placement and the finest detail.

Any other advice is welkome. Please help me out.

Thank for the feedback

While I think the term "dark" is better than warm in this case, Electrocompaniet might be a consideration.
I don't think "dark" and "warm" are necessarily the same thing. I like some warm sounding components, but have really hated some dark sounding ones.


Warm = full, rich, big

Dark = syrupy, less aliveness, recessed, distant

You might try McIntosh, Sunfire, Blue Circle, Mark Levinson, Jeff Rowland Design, Conrad-Johnson, Clayton, and Meridian.

My short list includes: Mark Levinson 432, Conrad-Johnson Premier 350, McIntosh MC402, and Sunfire Signature Stereo Amplifier II.

Then you might want to use Cardas Golden Cross cabling to further warm up the sound.