Which TT will take me to the next level

I got back into Vinyl about a year ago with a good Denon DP-500M TT and DL-160 Cartridge. I'm all set with the Preamp and Amp combo. What TT/tonearm/cartridge would bring me to the next level of all around sonic improvements. I realize I might have to spend $1500 dollars or more. A used combo would be fine instead of buying new. My ears are open to suggestions. Thanks

My system...
Denon DP-500M TT/DL-160 cartridge
Pass Labs XONO phono preamp
Pass LabsX150.5 Amp
Audes Blues Speakers
Analysis Plus cables
1.New-Marantz TT-15! Designed by Marantz and built for them by Clearaudio-$1600, contoured acrylic table with an outboard motor, sophisticated tonearm with an Ebony arm wand. TT-15 comes with an $800 Clearaudio Virtuoso Ebony Wood Cartridge. Very good value. Plus, you get a very nice cart. in asking price.
2.VPI - bottom shelve. $1000 used with a nice $500 cart.
3. Lenco - If you have the skills. I think with the right plinth and research it can be a killer. Working on one, right now.
4. Modify what you have right now.
Here is an example of a table that I almost got rid of.
Invested about a $1000 in arm and cart. Plinth is a butcher block that cost me $35 each. One used for plinth and the other for stand. If you have a weekend or two to spare - some tools and basic skills, that might be the way to go.


they are hard to find, but a maplenoll ariadne will take you to the next level but the table and arm will probably cost close to your budget. for the price range you are looking at a michell gyro with a rega 300 arm and denon or grado cartridge would probably be a good choice along with the scout from vpi.
Ziggy and Wwshull,
Go BEYOND the next level.
Consider the Lenco idler wheel. This vintage rebuilt table beats the belt drives. You are in the price range for an excellent DIY project, or one already built, ready to spin vinyl.
With your nice electronics, the Lenco is a fabulous analog source.
Email me for some pics and see the lencolovers.com site.
Good luck!
I second the VPI Scout and a Dynavector 20X cart, used. All else at your price point will disappoint.