I have seen many people share what they have and what they have heard on audiogon and there are always a few people that come on with negative comments about the person bragging or,the put down the higher end gear that one is speaking about.  Why do you think that happens?

Showing 3 responses by asvjerry

"...now, get off the freeway, peasants! Her Highness is coming..." *smirk*

Thanks. 'lizbeth....I think....*LOL*

MHO, so far this has been the most 'restrained' and basically civil discussion on the subject at hand I've witnessed at AG.  And thanks to y'all for striving to maintain that.  We've all witnessed wayyy too many 'cat fights' over 'detail X' or 'item Y' that begin to remind one of Russian dashcam vids....*cringe* ;)

I was once queried as to when a 'pleasant diversion' (once referred to as one's hobby, or the like...) begins to take on the aspects of a 'pursuit' that has all the markings of an obsession....for those of you that recognize me as one that has a 'marked tendency' towards one 'W item', this may be applicable, but that's for another forum(s)....*S*

Most of the time, mine and yours, I 'lurk', hoping to glean the 'wheat' of a thread, and ignore/laugh/be mystified by the 'proceedings'.  Occasionally, I hope to make an 'intelligent observation (and/or) comment'.

Some are...some aren't.  Oh, well.  Nobody Knows Everything, and Nobody's Flawless.  I'll apologize Now for the latter circumstances.  

I'll sometimes insert a wisecrack (see above) that strikes me as appropo.
If you can't laugh at those arguing over details that neither can witness IRL at the other's space with their equipment with the same source material....then I'm not surprised by the current political/social climate, and I wish our species and planet luck.

We'll need it.

(Back to the irregularly timed program....*fade to gray*....)
@calvinj ...Happy to oblige....

BTW & FWIW...."CJ" was referring to Conrad Johnson, not your initials.....
".....who finally agreed that CJs’ equipment is ’a Gift from the Gods’. I turned off the leads to the ’trodes applied to ’nether regions down from 30KVDC on the neon transformer, but left the restraints in place...."

Everything Is Awesome!!! Especially Yours! WhatEVER it is....
(  spoofing Devo’s Mark Mothersbaugh)

....can we go home now? *hopeful S*