Why does my system now have shrill top end.

The equipment in my system (listed below) has not changed but I now find on both CD and Vinyl a high end shrillness to the sound (treble is very harsh) that has become very annoying, especially at high volume levels. I have no idea why this happened all of a sudden.

Endevour E-3
Pass 30.8
Pass XP 20
Esoteric K01x
Linn LP12 (Ortofon Black cartridge)
Linn Linto Phono Preamp
PS Audio P5 (Amp plugged in directly to wall)
JL Audio F112 v2 sub
OCOS Speaker cable (15 feet)
Pass XLR interconnect (Preamp to Amp)
Harmonic Technology Cable Magic Link (not current version). RCA termination

Any ideas?

Teo_Audio: All of the kitchen lights were changed to LED bulbs so maybe that is it. Would turning the light switches off take them out of the loop or do I need to shut the breaker off. There is also the Refrig ice maker and the electric ovens but they are rarely on when I am listening. Heated floors were installed but they are off in the summer. That's all that was changed.

If the P5 won't tackle this problem what if any alternatives are there, besides having the kitchen rewired which is not an alternative?

There are a lot of reasons why systems sound shrill. Especially as the volume is turned past moderate levels. But one reason that is not even on audiophiles’ radar is the dreaded Morphic fields. You know, the things behind Morphic Message Foils, the clever clock, and why telephone books are bad for the sound. After addressing all the usual suspects the distortion is still there! 😧 You see, folks, things are worse than anyone suspect. Much worse. Let the hand-wringing and denials begin.
 LED bulbs is likely

turn them off and see if that fixes things - if not, post exactly what type they are (built in or replacement screw in type)
Also if the LED lights in the kitchen are on a dimmer switch that's a big culprit of AC line noise.