Why don't gold based cable fans try Synergistic

I am looking to try new cables and have been reading the archives in cable forums on all the great cable recommendations. I'm trying to get a handle on how the Synergistic Tesla range that I once owned compare to the gold based cable offerings.

However for some strange reason hardly any of the members here who seem to have tried the various gold based faves (Gabriel Gold, Jade, KCI, Purist and others) have not been tempted to try the popular Synergistic cables and not much here in the way of comparisons. I am not sure why but there seems to be two camps.

Anyways hoping to get a comparison as I had the Tesla Accelerators in my system for a short while and wonder if the gold based cables have the same naturalness, depth of soundstage, air and separation of the Teslas. I should add that as good as the Accelerators were sound wise I did not like the idea of introducing more electricity into my system with the active shielding hence looking for comparable alternatives.
Interesting read! I have Gabriel Gold, tried the Revelation and the Rapture, as well as the new Reflection and Rapture R. I have in the past tried SR and really liked it, however.....the active shielding charged my whole room with static! In fact I ended up shorting out my Processor when I touched the stand and had to send it away to get repaired. I don't know why this was, and at the time I did not put it all together, but then I took it out of the system and no static! Put it back in to be sure, and......static! It was not a subtle amount of static, you could feel the charge anywhere in the room, so, I have no choice but to not use cables with active shielding.

It should be said that I do live in a very dry climate where static is somewhat of a problem to start with, and perhaps I had a cable with an issue, but the fellow I sold it to has had no issue, living in Vancouver might be why! Not exactly a dry climate there!!
Bullot, did you ask the people at Synergistic Research about this? I have had no problem with this in NM where it is also quite dry.
I talked to the dealer I purchased the cable from, he had never heard of it. Another deal whom I had no affiliation whatsoever, said he has heard of such annomolies. I am in Alberta Canada, and when it gets to be -30c or -40c and the furnace is running all the time, it gets pretty dry. Your skin flakes if you don't use moisturizer, lips dry out, etc. Don't want to get into a "who's area is dryer" conversation.......I guess I didn't give it much more of a chance......nobody could pinpoint why it happened and I didn't want to take anymore chances with expensive equipment. Just my experience! It's really too bad, because I loved the cable! (Digital cable)
Sorry Bullot but I have a system in a VERY DRY place (vacation home in Palm Springs Ca.) where the humidity drops into the low teens all the time. I have all SR Active Cables there and I have never noticed any increase in static electricity or any problem with the Active Shielding "charging my home with electricity". My neighbor also has SR Active cables (I turned him on to them) and he has no problems that I am aware of.

From what I understand regarding Active Shielding it is a 30 volt DC charge applied to the shield of a cable and is totally outside the signal path. Actually there is far more DC in the average active component (CD players, pre-amps, amps, etc.) then is found on the shield of Active SR cables.

I am not doubting you believe what you are posting but I cannot understand your claim nor have I been able to find anything regarding what you describe on any audio forum (aside from what you have posted here). After ten years of Acive cables from SR it will be interesting to see if all of a sudden a few reports like this surface. Out of curiosity who was the dealer that corroborated your theory? Also please describe in detail what exactly you mean by "charged your room with electricity" from a 30 volt bias?! This all sounds a little off to me- sorry.