Why not just run a pig tale rather than rewiring

So I've got this stock AGI 511 preamp. Although claimed to be great, advice is to remove the original ribbon cable from the circuit board that runs to a separate board with all of the RCA input/output connectors. Replace with new female RCA connectors and run teflon coated wire and connect directly to the circuit board. Smoother sound - so claimed.

Why not just select a quality teflon jumper wires to say 4 ft in length, twist them, and install male RCA connectors on them so as to act as interconnects. Wont cost much more, and I eliminate the need for the Interconnects with their associated cost and the junction between the Preamp RCA's and Interconnects. Cleaner, simpler, so why not???

I want the speed and transparency in the preamp and associated cables - not sound coloring - that's why I have a HK Citation II tube amp. if this makes sense, what do you recommend in a reasonably price jumper/interconnect wire.
try it! It's easily reversable and also an inexpensive tweak. Do allow significant time for break in (30 days passing signal) before you decide if it's the right move.
For probably the very first time in 10 years I have to agree with Liz on something. However if you undo the changes later before selling, there's no resale issue either.
Agree do the pigtails. With only $100 invested, go for it.
The only real reason NOT to is resale... but at $100 the difference is almost nil.
Well, I paid like a $100 for it - in mint condition. Stock, it sounds fantastic. Transparent to a fault - which is what I like. But I'm advised that it can even be improved upon. And given how it was designed, I tend to believe that. So the modification is not major, but upon considering it, it caused me to raise the question that I posted. Hey, if I got a preamp that readily competes with units in the $2K range, I'm pretty happy. And if I can modify it to make it even better, all the better. But my question still remain. Why not just do pigtails?
If the preamp needs that much work done to it to sound good,why not just buy a different one?I guess it's just me but I think that a piece of equipment that needs something added to it,probably isn't very good to begin with.Just a thought.