Why the facination with integrated amps?

I don’t get it. Is it the manufacturers spotting a trend with the tail wagging the dog or does a significant market segment truly prefer the idea of an integrated?
Less space
One less set of IC’s
In theory-one less chassis/case to pay for
Shorter signal paths possible
Can combine transformer/cap function
Power supply interference/spuriae
Reduced Flexibility-can’t switch amp or preamp as easily or go to monoblocs
Less resonance control
Long history of lesser performance per measurements and long-term subjective listening
Less resale value if it turns out to be a fad
Less liklihood of an extremely high performing active preamp

I freely admit I am a skeptic. The industry-like so many others-looks for new market niches to move product. 
FWIW, the only integrateds I myself would care to audition would be from Esoteric and Luxman who have a long history of designing no-compromise (low-compromise) high-end integrateds. 


Showing 1 response by gratefuleric

I've been a separated guy for 40yrs as we evolved, or devolved as some believe, from vinyl to CDs, to streaming content, as we went digital DAC's became a necessity if you wanted warm sound. That meant another outboard piece of equipment and an even longer signal path with USB adapters all of which added to signal degradation and space.
I recently scrapped it all and picked up a Peachtree Nova 300 integrated. I was floored by the sound quality and realized that I had come full circle back to the warm sound of the 70's and my Sansui 1000S and JBL's. 
All in one neat, sweet and powerful unit running off my laptop into its many YSV inputs. It has preamp out so you can take advantage of its outstanding DAC and front end and use any amp you like with great results. Truth us you probably wont want to after hearing it.
This old gearhead is convinced that the future is in integrated amps.