Wife wants a black faced receiver to replace Rotel

This is nuts...but SWMBO (she who must be obeyed) does not like the look of my Rotel 1056 receiver (driving 3 B&W LCR6 and 2-B&W in-ceiling surrounds, and feeding 2-Velodyne SPL 10s).

Everything was fine until I brought home the Sony KDL52XBR4 LCD tv and a black stand to put it on. Coupled with the black Directv HD DVR and black DVD player, I'm screwed...the Rotel sticks out like a sore thumb...

So, any recommendations for a comparable or better receiver for similar (or slightly higher) money? I love my Rotel...

Thanks for your help
Just finished my parts order w/Rotel. It was less than $73 for everything, shipping included.

Thanks for the help.
Jerry Rice! Black, silver or otherwise, they don't make them like him anymore, still the best. You'll be dancing with the stars.
Someone mentioned how they alternate between silver and black. The car companies do that between curved and angular bodies to make cars look old after a few years.

I would get a well ventilated cabinet for the electronics,and make sure it fits the decor of the room.
Rotel did return my email. Faceplate is exceptionally inexpensive (<$60). Problem solved. Thanks!
Crazy idea; go to Tap Plastics or a high end art store and look into a cover material that will please your wife. Even if you try this---and it does not work--perhaps she will 'get over it'

Really, there are some outstanding products that can work.
Thanks Kgturner. I sent an email to Rotel USA about buying a black faceplate.

Imin2u: See, I don't mind that my wife wants the faceplate to match the rest of the system. I don't need to "stand up" to her. I have a race car, truck, trailer, a garage with a lift in it and a ton of tools I don't need, a new TV, etc. It's called compromise. We have good jobs and each contribute to the relationship. She wants it black, she'll get it black. I have no problem with that.

I was just bummed that I might lose my Rotel. It is nuts that I get to worry about that, but that's life. I wasn't complaining, per se, just looking for alternatives and I found them from many of the members here. Who knows, I might end up with seperates b/c of this. I can live with that... :-)



rotel makes a black faceplate for the 1056 so i would just contact them and purchase one. alternately, i saw a black 1056 listed here on the 'gon. you could buy it and sell yours. the black one is not mine btw. i'm more of a denon man myself.
No sure how far you wanna go but you could remove it and find a company to anodize it black for you.

I've had the same prob with my Musical Fidelity A308CR preamp. Wanted it in black and just made one at work and had it anodized black.

Have to admit though that if you don't have a buddy who can do that for you it might get expensive, might as well buy one from Rotel.
Onkyo does everything right in this particular product space, in my opinion, *and* you can get black or silver, your choice.
I got wife p*ssed. Am I the only one that stands up against their pushy wife?
Used B&K. About the only in-between step to separates. Built like a tank. Made in the USA too.
Don't you just love how the industry changes from black to silver then back to black every so many years. TVs and DirecTV boxes were all silver a few years ago and now they are all black. This mismatch of colors in a system is a real issue and manufacturers know people will buy new stuff to deal with it.
I have a black faced RSX-972, which appears to be equivalent to the 1056. There must be a difference, but it is not apparent to me. Maybe one preceded the other.

My 972 performs flawlessly. So, if you can't find a black faced 1056, consider a black faced 972.
An entertainment stand with a door?

Off topic, but I can't tell you how glad I am that TV's are black again. I worked for Sony when the first XBR Wega with the champagne silver cabinet was released. The quiet opinion amongst many of us at the time was "Blech." Black is the only just and correct colour for a TV cabinet.
Trade on A-goN for a black one? I think they make them. Otherwise, somewhat comparable units would be Marantz (slightly warmer, in my recollection) and Arcam (a small step up).