Will older films be produced on blu-ray or HD?

Would older films be reproduced on blu-ray or HD-DVD? How old is old? Say films like Aliens 1 and 2? Basically, how do we know which 'older' films would have the potential to be reproduced in these HD formats? Or it's just new movies would only be capable of 1080 resolution?

Any advice would be appreciated.

Showing 2 responses by jaybo

yes, but depending on the age and condition of the original materials...and the post production.....they may not look significently better. some films look as good as they are going to..period.
majicjazz.....the problem isn't that they can't do a hi def transfer on all films, its that you can only bring up so much detail before the film's flaws show as well....if you try to remove those flaws you create pixles and smear....the source material is more limited as well. for years many of thepal releases have been nothing more than uploaded ntsc masters that were properly done. this will apply to most of the hi def stuff too. also there are no audio standards for hi def....using the dts logo requires no approval as long as the dlt(digital linnear tape)is hi def......a production curve has only begun.