Will Technology Kill the Audiophile Hobby?

Imagine audio technology in 2,000 years.

Maybe your stereo is the size of a deck of cards. Speakers are invisible. Cables are not used. Active room treatment built into the walls.

Is that the end of our hobby and fascination with audio gear? 
Is our identity in the big blocks of metal and wood? What happens to us?


Showing 3 responses by oregonpapa

larry5729 ...

Regarding your post ... I spent 40 years (now retired) in the residential real estate business. Over that time span, I had access to many thousands of homes. It always amazed me how many homes (most) didn’t have any music or books. How does one survive with no music and/or good literature? Oh yes, they always had a TV, some expensive ones too. But how much inspiration can one glean from Jerry Springer or CNN? ... kind of the same thing in my opinion.

Far into the future, I see no possibility for high-end audio, or music in any form for that matter. Freedom of thought and spirit will be long gone, and with it, the desire for music or any of the arts.

The quest for exact equality will have been attained. Individual names will be replaced with numbers and there will be a total caste system.

There will be no currency other than digital bytes, operated through an implant under the skin. Money in the form of currency will have been long gone in the name of convenience and safety. Each individual "number" (humanoid) will receive credits from the central banking authorities, and they will spend digital debits.

All thoughts, in the name of political correctness, and to avoid hateful thought crimes, will be monitored by the Central Authority in Brussels. Wrong thoughts? No credits. No credits, no food or shelter.

There will be no new technology because desire has been murdered through lack of motivation. No need to be motivated when everything is assigned to you ... your housing, clothing, transportation, and health care will all be controlled by the Central Authority. Your uniform will designate your stature in society, and also your occupation.

Breeders will wear specially designed uniforms. All others will be kept from breeding ... Can’t have inferior humanoids, right?

Humanoids 2000 years from now won’t find it odd at all that there are no people over the age of 50.
How did all of this come about? Because long ago, way back in the 21st Century, the politicians in every party ceased working for the interests of the people and worked instead for special interests. People sought another way, and finally, they gave up on freedom and liberty and chose security instead. I think they called it something like economic and social justice and they were promised lots of free stuff.

2000 years from now, they will be holding celebrations honoring the most advanced technology invented over their past 100 years ... the candle.

I love this thread. :-)

2000 years in the future:

"Hello, my name is Equality 2936514, and your's?"  ... "Me? Oh, my name is Equality 42967831." 

"Well, Equality 42967831, have you ever wondered what lies beyond the great perimeter? ... the line over which we are not allowed to cross? Is it true what they say, that that is where the savage 'Mud People" live?" 

"It must be true, Equality 2936514 because the Central Authority says it's so. Those who have come before us said it's so as well. And beyond the 'Mud People,' there is nothing but devastation and ruins, for that is where the perpetual wars have been raging for the last 500 years. It's dangerous and means death to go beyond the line. If the 'Mud People' don't kill you, and you are caught beyond the line, the Central Authority will."

2000 years in the future, there will be no need for border walls, as there will be no borders. The borders, as they always have been, will be built in the minds of the people. 

What color will your uniform be?

How can any audio equipment or hobby for that matter exist when the people 2000 years from now are living in what amounts to an enormous company store from which there is no escape? 
