Wilson Sasha 2 or Alexia for small room 10' x 17'?

I went to audition the Wilson Sabrina at a local shop. I so wanted to love these speakers because of the reviews, price and compact size. Unfortunately, I could not (don't hate me  Sabrina owners). I did, however,  fall in love with the Sasha 2. It seemed to do everything and more that I was looking for and I am hoping this speaker will be a speaker I can live with for a very long time. After thinking about it, I wondered, is the difference between the Sabrina and Sasha 2 smaller or greater than the Sasha 2 and current Alexia? The room has  good acoustics, Mcintosh C50 pre, MC152 amp and as noted above, is very small. Would there be too much bass and overwhelm the room. I have not heard the Alexias and was wondering if any owners or listeners familiar to both can comment on the differences and similarities and give impressions as to how they might work in my small room. I currently own and like very much the  Sonus Faber Venere 3.0 but am looking for more. At this point, I am pretty sure I will go with the Sashas  but am looking for guidance from someone with experience especially since it is very hard to locate the Alexias and hear personally.  Thanks for your opinions

Showing 6 responses by vitop

I have no dog in this fight, but I do have some observations. In my opinion, the Wilsons are probably the most musical speakers I have heard. I really love their sound and could listen to them forever.
I recently listened to the Persona speakers and I think they are probably the clearest and best resolving speakers I have ever heard. But they are not as musical as the Wilsons.
JMO, but Wilsons for music, Personas for home theater. The dialog is incredible with the Personas, but I would tire of music much faster with the Personas. They are VERY good with music, but also brighter. Not in a bad way at all, but just not as involving as the Wilsons.
996cupracer, I don’t have anything that I would call a practiced ear so I am not sure I can really describe it very well. I just know what I like.
Against the Wilsons, the Personas (in my opinion) are more detailed. Everything seems clearer and more detailed. And that is strange to say when comparing to a Wilson because I love Wilsons. So you would think that the Personas are a better speaker with my having said that, but I’m not sure that is true. They are different. I love the Wilson sound and could listen to them forever. The Personas can sometimes come off as a little bright but they are tremendous speakers.
Like I said, sometimes the dialog in a movie can be muffled or there can be a lot going on along with the dialog. The Persona will resolve all of that better than anything I have heard and you just kind of hear all of it at once with absolute clarity. Pretty amazing really.
Right now, I am really thinking about a set of used Wilsons for music (I still like the Wilsons for music better than the Persona), and the Persona for home theater. So far, those are my favorites for those two functions.
I am going to hear some Legacy Audio Speakers also, but am not able to hear them head to head against either the Persona or the Wilsons, so going to be hard to say if they will be better or not, but they are a speaker I want to listen to. Has anyone does a really good comparison between the three?
I'm not sure about anyone else, but I did hear them. They were pretty good. I listened to quite a few speakers. Too many I think, LOL
Which one of the Legacy speakers did you listen to? I really thought a lot of their speakers.
Well, I found my speaker. I was hoping to find something that would combine the detail of the Persona with the musicality of the Wilsons. I had heard great things about the Legacy Speakers and the dealer for them also carried the Tekton speakers. There was a great review of the Tektons and the dealer also told me they might be the best speaker out there for the money.
I went out there and listened to three of the speakers in the Legacy line and one in the Tekton line. I ended up ordering a full Home Theater setup using Tekton speakers.

This has been a great discussion.
The Wilsons have a great sound. They are the first speaker I truly fell in love with.