Wilson WP7 versus X1 - Gen III and Maxx II's

I am not interested in other speaker manufactures.

I have an opportunity to upgrade to X1 Gen III for way less than Maxx II's used (if they were even available). My only concern is will I lose anything that the WP7's do so amazingly well? I know setup of the X-1's will be even more critcal.


Showing 1 response by dgad


One OBGYN says it all. Patience is the key here. YOu don't need the headache. I also will add, that you can get most of that wall of sound in your room w. your Wilson 7s. How is the Theta gear doing. It should make you very happy. If you aren't getting the wall of sound go into analogue or do more room treatement. I am getting an amazing wall. I treated my ceiling which did a lot. I will post some pictures once I get a chance. I think any speaker upgrade will be pointless unless you really aggresively treat your room.