Would you cancel 3,250 deal cause 16 short?

Made a deal with a guy in Germany to buy his cable for $3,250 including shipping, but because the money arrived to his account short by $16 (international wire transfer) he got upset and paid $50 to return my money back? ?? I couldn't believe it!!! even though I told him that I will send you $50 to cover any charges and even help with shipping. Granted, my bank screwed up making the wire transfer the first time around but the money got there eventually, the whole thing took two weeks. My bank charged me $40. The bad thing is I sold my cable knowing that I already bought a new one. I am so pissed, Was I at fault here? Did it happen with any of you before?
Nope, wrong guy. Geez, how many irascible-cable-loving-German-Ph.d's are there out roaming the audiogon countryside? Do a probability analysis on that one...
Jwrobinson, well it is a crazy hobby anyways, you see once you try the better cable, it is very hard to go back. By the way the cable new is listed for $10K. I thought you would like to know that.
I think that it is a sign from the heavans telling you that it is absurd and insane to spend $3250 for a cable. Be happy that you received this sign. Build your own cable out of high quality silver or coppper and put the $3150 you will have left over to good use.
Well, when you have a two-channel system that retails for well over $50K, I don't think that $100 cable will quite cut it for you. I am currently using a $300 cable from Transparent and I hate my system to the point that I don't even listen to it any more. I am waiting for my new cables to arrive. I really can hear the difference of cables in my system. Recently I had a friend of mine came to my house and hear my system with and without a little 1 for 3 power adaptor connected to my mono amps. Now the guy is not audiophile and doesn't know any thing about this crazy hobby, but when I told him what to listen for, he was able to spot it every time on a blind test. You see I had to do that because I was thinking that I was getting crazy, what a little adaptor would do? But it does make a difference, at least with my system.
Krisgel, I can tell you from my personal experience that cables DO make a difference. In the beginning of my hobby, when my system was still moderate, I could live with Monster cables, but the more my system grew, the more it got refined over the years, the more did I have to change the cables along the way.
So without sounding arrogant, but if a system has reached a certain level, cables will more and more start to become an important integrated part of the system.
Now if you feel, you cannot hear a difference, you are a lucky guy, since this will save you thousands of dollars. Good cables can be expensive.
I will repeat my Mantra all over:
Try to limit your choice of cables to four different brands, (you can either get a cable loan from the Cable Company, or you can buy your cables on a "money back guarantee" base) audition the cables thoroughly and only then decide which cable, or none at all, you are going to buy.