XLR cable for basic beginner

hi all:
need some suggestion to choose about which XLR cable to start and have good value and sound:)
budget around $100-$150 for used,here my list found here
AUDIOQUEST king cobra
my system :
KRELL KAV-400xi amp
ARCAM CD mod with XLR
speaker cable is use bulk monster cable and IC
I agree with others that suggest using pro studio cables. I use Mirlin (sp) (not the same as the speaker company?).They are very high quaity pro cables with Neutic XLRs (dont forget those too - dont use any other brand.) I noticed this is what Albert Porter uses! (not shure if they are made anymore. I got a real good deal on a close-out sale from a local shop that was getting out of the brand about 10 years ago.
I was recording the live audio for a weekly cable music/interview show and, although using perfectly acceptable pro mic cable, I tried a better mic cable one day. Mogami Neglex with gold plated Neutrik plugs. LARGE improvement on nearly every level. I've stuck good single ended cable from various high end makers (MIT, Straightwire, AQ, etc.) in my hifi rig for years but recently added a preamp with balanced outs to match a balanced input amp. After experimenting with a few borrowed options I tried some short 3' Mogami Gold mic cables I had lying around for rack ICs...perfect. In this rig anyway, I thought they sounded as good or better than some otherwise well regarded balanced cables costing multiples of the Mogamis, although all 4 cable brands in my little test group seemed fine. When people say stuff like "these cables sound thin" or "the soundstage width was compromised by exactly .346 meters and the oboe player seemed to have a sinus infection" or whatever when comparing Mogamis to something they bought for $850.72, it brings to question my fellow audiophile's sanity or ethical cred. I'd love to hear about a "blind" listening test of well made balanced cable, but nobody does that sort of thing...no no no...
I recant. After more time in my system I decided to take the Mogamis out. Too bright! *sigh*...I'll put 'em back in the effects rack and move on. See? Ya never know!
For what my opinion may be worth, as someone who's been system building for 35 years and, as most of us seem to, has tried out all sorts of different cables along the way, most of them rather expensive but ultimately unsatisfactory, I don't think you need to spend anything like $100 or more for a pair of interconnects.

A quality cable made in the UK that's not only very popular with many recording studios but is also the cable of choice for PMC loudspeakers (in conjunction with Bryston amplifiers, which they import and distribute here) is Van Damme. Between my pre- and power amp's, I use balanced Tour Grade Classic XKE (code 268-020-000) with Neutrik XLR's with silver-plated pins, available to order fully assembled (using high quality silver solder) from Connect Audio for about $60/pair.

There may be better cables out there, but I very much doubt if there are any that aren't a great deal more costly. Don't spend more until you've tried these. Van Damme speaker cable, which I also use, is also inexpensive and very good.
AQ Diamonbacks replaced the Mogami cables...got the Diamonbacks used for about $60 a pair, and they're amazing.