Your favorite recent discovery

What Group or Artist have you discovered in the last few months? Doesn't have to be a new artist, just new to you.
Looking for some ideas.

Showing 9 responses by jax2

Gordus - If you like Lisa Gerrard, I'd bet you'd also like some of the Early Music recordings of Jordi Savall and his wife, Montserrat Figueras, who also has a remarkable soprano voice. I'd highly recommend their recording on AllaVox titled, "El Cant de la Sibil-La" (Alla Vox AV9806). Just gorgeous! Been on frequent rotation in my systems lately.

Pollywog - Lhasa is WONDERFUL!! Get her first album as well. You will NOT be disappointed!!

If you enjoy Lhasa, definitely also give the Portugese band, Madredeus, a try. A good place to start with them is the album Ainda, which is the soundtrack from the Wim Wenders film, "A Lisbon Story".
Sc53 - Did you mean "The Be Good Tanyas" album called "Blue Horse"? I've never heard of "Blue Tanyas"? If it is "The Be Good Tanyas" (GREAT album...just lovely), also check out a group called "Po Girl"

Well then, I'll second "Be Good Tanyas" a pleasant surprise of
recent for me as well. I check out that other album too (thanks!).

On an entirely different type of music, I was recently introduced, by a
good friend, to the Early Music of Jordi Savall's label, Alla Vox. Fantastic
recordings! A real favorite that I can't stop playing of recent is one with
his wife, Montserrat Figueras, "El Cant de la Sibil-La". There
are a couple of recordings I've found of this piece - the one I've been
awed by is Alla Vox AV9806 (the other that I have, which is also with the
two of them, is on Astree/Naive label and is nowhere near as engaging
and dynamic a performance as the one on Alla Vox - same Chorus, same
church, different performance and recording techniques). On the Alla
Vox recording her voice will stretch the limits of virtually any system,
and his playing (Viola de Gambe) is equally remarkable. I also recently
just picked up the Savall box set on the same label which is instrumental
and is a Savall showcase. That set is a bit more sedate in comparison as
far as the music is concerned (Mr. Saint Colombe le Fils and Marin
Marais), but no less startling in presence and beauty, albeit on a more
subtle level. That one is AV 9829 A/C.

Sc53 - If you like Be Good Tanyas you should also give Richard Buckner a listen. He's another Vancouver, BC based artist doing unique acoustic country-infleuenced music with great songwriting. His style defies putting him in a box, much like BGT. Love his accoustic CD's: "Devotion and Doubt" and "Bloomed"

Jewel_hasan - Thanks for the recommendation of Emma Shaplin. I picked up Carmin Meo and really enjoy it! I would not have thought to mention it as being similar to Madredeus, though I do see where you're coming from. I'd say Madredeus' music is more acoustic and down to earth and subtle in comparison. It does not have nearly the range as Shaplin (WOW!). Shaplin is far more dramatic and and thickly orchestrated (at least on Carmin Meo). Both are beautiful female voices. Regardless it was a good call as far as I'm concerned as both are quite wonderful, and I'm grateful for the reccommendation!

OK, so here's another that I don't think I've mentioned that is a real show-stopper. This is an Iranian father/sons percussion team who go by Chemirani Trio. The CD is Qalan Kar. Could be difficult to find, but worth the search. Very engaging and remarkable percussion like you've likely never heard percussion (traditional Persian with some fusion infleunces I'd say...improvisational sounding.....the drums have voices!). Rapid to work by and get lots done! Great recording too....really shows off a well assembled system and not just in the bass. I don't think a single person has not gone away without asking and writing down the name of this CD if it were playing.

Jewel - Indeed it is a treat! Thanks...I do enjoy these music threads for that reason....find someone who shares your tastes and it's a wonderful resource. I have not been able to find a copy of the new Lhasa you mentioned. It was not listed on it an import? Or have my searching skills been tarnished by poor eyesight and or typing skills!?

Did you get the Qalan Kar CD? Yes, mostly percussion, but quite unique, and it really is amazing the sheer diversity of sounds they are able to get from those instruments.

I don't know if you searched some of my other responses, but another recent all time favorite which is sure to please someone of your tastes is Anouar Brahem, "Le Pas du Chat Noir" (hope I spelled all that right). Haunting and beautiful trio of oud, piano and accordian. I have never tired of this CD!

Rosie Thomas, "When we were Small". Wonderful folksy earthy voice. Lament and romance with a spark of hope. Great lyrics. Beautiful voice.
